48-72 Hour Turn On Production Quotes!

Time is Money.  We deliver quotes within 48-72 hours from RFQ submission for production volume ready projects. 

Hand with stopwatch with Quote in background
WIN WIN graphic showing mutually beneficial aligned partnerships

Real World Returns!

In 2023 one customer saved $232,000 by switching to Poly Electronics. 
A 30% return in year one. 

When choosing to utilize our suite of services, we can redesign, retool, and rework your project and supply-chain to save thousands!

Design with Cost in Mind

At $85 per hour, our engineering departments offers the same level of excellence and experience as major consulting firms for a fraction of the price. 

Manufacturing Success

With a team experienced in both Design and Manufacturing processes we are able to identify problems and potential cost savings in production long before a prototype is made.  Many of our engineers follow the job from concept to completion. Our Engineers are experts on the equipment, tools and sources of components used to create your end product, giving you a vested partner in your project right where it’s assembled.

Man at SMT Equipment looking at alignment
Products ready for fulfillment

Less Inventory = More Cash

Inventory absorbs a large amount of cash and cost a great deal to maintain.  A more efficient supply chain will minimize your inventory investment. Poly Electronics will partner with you to take inventory off of your balance sheet and inventory related expenses off of your income statement with our available stocking level program.

Communication for Alliance

Having problems with communication barriers or slow response times due to working with someone in another time zone?  We are located in the heart of the United States, open 8am – 5pm EST. Monday through Friday.  Try us out! 574-522-0246

Project Team discussing point by point notes with customer

Have questions? Reach Out.